



Empowering the Office of Child Care's critical mission through rapid 数字转换

How we helped the Office of Child Care (OCC) modernize their legacy 数据收集 system to better track and report on funding outcomes for child care programs.

国际儿童基金会指导儿童保育办公室(OCC)通过一项 数字转换 这调和了工作流障碍,以更好地实现客户结果. 现代化战略利用了技术、有效的变更管理,以及 培训和技术援助最佳做法.

与ICF和ServiceNow合作, OCC was able to re设计 their technical assistance tracking solution to meet new requirements and address evolving user needs.


OCC是美国的一部分.S. 卫生与公众服务部, 为美国家庭提供负担得起的医疗服务, 高质量的早教和课后项目. The program’s technical assistance (TA) tracker—known as the TAT system and used to track the TA activities delivered by national centers to grantees—required updating to maximize efficiency and keep pace with evolving requirements.

因为TAT系统是在2012年底建成的, current users found it increasingly difficult to navigate due to taxonomy bloat and fields that had grown irrelevant over time. 繁琐的体验导致用户完全避免使用该工具, 导致工作流在工具之外发生, 反过来, 导致进程不一致, 数据收集, 和报告.

另外, 自从该工具最初发布以来, 政府对安全和各种数字合规性的要求发生了变化. The new operating environment demanded a rebuild of the old TAT system to be more compliant, 集成能力, 需要较少的技术维护, 提供更可靠的报告, and better serve user needs—saving people time and increasing oversight efficiency.


When modernizing 工作流s, it’s not enough to replace or rebuild outdated technology. Digital transformations often fail due to a cultural resistance to change—as found in 我们最新的数字化转型报告—compounded by an absence of insight from the tactical and operational users of the tool. 至关重要的是 为最终用户设计解决方案 确保采用并为有效的转型搭建舞台.

ICF formed an interdisciplinary team consisting of relevant subject matter experts from our public health, 公共部门, 数字转换, 以及数字代理实践. 在考虑技术堆栈之前, we took a human-centered 设计 (HCD) approach and conducted primary research on the legacy tool’s 工作流 pain points and gaps, 以及对新系统的总体用户需求的发现.

That research—consisting of current user interviews—allowed us to form user stories, 描述, 设计指导方针,并开始向政府利益相关者阐明概念. 理解需求随着时间的推移而出现和发展, 用户故事充当了一个起点, 覆盖系统架构, 内容, 设计, 报告, 工作流, 以及治理需求. 它们允许我们的用户体验(UX)团队创建原样vs. to-be user flow maps that were crucial in evaluating an appropriate technology solution.

经过慎重考虑, ICF确定servicenow - FedRAMP已获得授权, 基于云计算的, platform-as-a-service leveraged for low-code implementations—would best fit the requirements of the new tool. ICF developed a deeper understanding of the OCC and the legacy TAT tool through user research, 包括采访,以确定痛点和了解用户的旅程. Harnessing that expanded understanding along with our development expertise across multiple technologies and platforms, ICF实现了一个基于servicenow的解决方案,提供了最佳的灵活性, 发射速度, and an ideal cost profile to achieve the intended performance outcomes for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) team.


通过以人为中心的设计方法提出想法,然后使用敏捷, 精益, 和DevOps原则来推动它们向前发展, we were able to create a new technical assistance solution that streamlines user experience and provides more enhanced 报告 capabilities to the government—while also ensuring continuity of operations by enabling the migration of existing TAT data from the legacy TAT application.

The TAT re设计 was further made possible by our clearly structured 内容 and 设计 components that informed the development process, 它本身是通过使用ServiceNow来加速的. ServiceNow’s 客户服务管理(CSM) module acted as the baseline solution for OCC’s TA modernization initiative, and its out-of-the-box and low-code-no-code capabilities rapidly improved OCC’s ability to drive information collection, 管理, 传播, 和报告. 另外, ICF’s use of ServiceNow’s fully FedRAMP-certified Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering made it easier for OCC to satisfy HHS and ACF security requirements and attain an Authority to Operate (ATO) for the TAT solution.

“With a renewed focus across 联邦 to improve customer service within the business of government, 现代技术对于提供更好的服务至关重要, 更快的政府服务... 客户服务管理(CSM)...connects the customer to the agency with omnichannel experiences and removes silos by aligning the front, 回来, and middle offices to dramatically improve SLA’s and processes for the case workers, 为客户和机构提供一流的解决方案.”


ICF ensured that implementation of innovative features was controlled and tracked through an effective change 管理 approach. That approach included multiple points of communication and training—ensuring buy-in from all users of the application. 上线后, we continue to add enhancements to TAT that drive further efficiencies for all users of the tool, 并且看到了自定义报表的授权超级用户的增加, 仪表板视图, 和TA处理输出. That has enabled OCC users to make data-driven decisions while also improving efficiency around data entry and tracking.

通过结合我们的领域洞察力, UX研究和设计的力量, 系统开发专业知识以及启用低代码平台, we were able to help the OCC revamp a critical tool in the service of mission outcomes.